
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Living in a First World

Alright boys and girls. This is my last post on this blog (unless someday I decide to come back and keep writing..). So earlier I was on my iPod watching vines and BAM. It dies. So now I'm just sitting there thinking about how since my iPod is dead I have nothing to do while it's charging except write my blog post for this week. Then as soon as I opened up Chrome, my laptop dies. Seriously such a bummer, I know.

So then I got the idea to write about first world problems, kind of a band wagon thing but that's okay because it's fun.

But in all seriousness, first world problems are so dumb. It just shows how selfish and ungrateful we all are. We don't even realize all the things we have that we could easily live without. Pretty sad.

Here's a few first world problems:

-When your electronics run out of battery and you are forced to do something productive
-When your bae doesn't slide into yo DM's anymore
-Getting all comfy in bed, but then you realize that you forgot to turn off the lights
-Eating potato chips and not being able to hear the TV because of the crunching
-Jeans that don't make your butt look good
-Being woken up by the cleaning ladies (totally spacing on what they are actually called?!) at a hotel
-Your favorite show didn't record
-Your favorite show isn't in HD
-Parking far away from the door
-Cold butter on your toast won't spread
-You wore that outfit last week. Can't wear it again!
-Your parents didn't get you a brand new car for your 16th birthday
-GPS made you drive through the ghetto
-Vending machine only takes $1 and $5 bills. All you have is a $20 bill.

Photo from Tumblr

Okay, I just fell asleep for about 5 minutes while writing all that. Like seriously that's how tired I am. So, that's all for now, kids! There's many many many more first world problems, I just can't think of them!

Until next time,
if there is a next time,
Dan Dan-- xoxo

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A List of Things That Make Me Mad

Okay, so at the very top of my page I somehow managed to add a song. You can listen to it if you want while you read but you don't have to! I totally wish I figured out how to do that so I could do it for every blog post.

So this week I don't really know what to write about. I thought about writing about a lot of different stuff, but it wasn't really good writing material. So I decided to make a list about things that make me upset. Pretty original, huh?;)

Here we goooo:

1. When people crack their knuckles or their backs or neck. The sound of it and the visual of little air bubbles popping inside of you is HORRIBLE. Seriously. I'm getting chills and I'm getting all uncomfortable just writing about it. I hate it. Ughhhhhhh.

2. When people chew with their mouth open. Not only is it disgusting but the sound is just horrible and REALLY annoying. Grow up kiddos and learn to chew with your mouth closed! (btw, this is an actual brain disorder called Misophonia (but I think that's more serious than me just getting annoyed, not sure...)).

3. The only car seats that I like are leather. I HATE the soft materials they use for certain cars, but I have no clue why that is. When I touch it, I seriously just cringe. It's nasty.

4. Spoiled, bratty, rich kids. They get everything handed down to them without have to work for any of it. Their parents hand them $50 when they ask if they can just go see a movie, when all they need is $10. They just expect all of this to happen. It makes me angry, because I actually have to work for what I want. Gosh, I could write a whole blog about this (maybe that's what I will write about next week).

5. Hypocrites. Plain and simple: I hate hypocrites. When people are hypicritical, I'm just all like..
Photo from Tumblr
6. When people joke about suicide. It's not funny. At all. And it will never be funny. In fact, it kinda makes me want to punch you in the face with a hammer. When people (specifically boys) are joking around, they usually say "go kill yourself". Yes, they say it in a joking manner, but that is seriously not a topic to joke about. When people say that, it honestly makes me so sad and mad and upset.

7. When people joke about drugs. This one's pretty self explanatory.

8. Hot air. I HATE HOT AIR. You know when it's really hot outside, and you get in the car and turn on the AC but all the comes out is hot air? Yeah, well I hate that. I find it really hard and frustrating to try and breath in hot air. It's like.. impossible for me.

Me: "Hey, wanna hangout tomorrow?"
Person: "Dude yeah for sure!"
Me: *calls person*
Person: *doesn't answer*
Me: *texts person* Hey, call me back so that we can hangout.
Person: *is hanging out with other people when they already made plans with me, never texts me back but post on every social media in the world of them with those people*

I get that you are friends with other people, I am too. I get that I'm not always going to be invited everywhere. But when you say something, you should stick to what you say. I'm just a person and I have feelings too.

10. At soccer, when people don't try. Everyone's got their bad days, but not every single practice. It's simple: if you don't want to play and you don't want to be here then leave. Sucks to suck.

11. People who talk just to hear themselves talk. You don't always have to be the center of attention. I'm the type of person who says something when I have something to say. I don't just babble about nothing and try and look cute or whatever. If you aren't talking 24/7, it doesn't mean you're sad or anything, it simply means that YOU ARE NOT IN THE MOOD TO TALK. Grr.

I can't really think of any more things that make me mad like those things do, so there you have it!

Deuces, mi amigos. xoxo

Monday, April 28, 2014

Kindness is Key

Over the past few months, I found a new obsession: Tumblr.

Tumblr is honestly my favorite thing ever! For those of you who don't know what it is, it's basically just a website where people share their thoughts/feelings and artsy pictures. You can either create a text post, upload a picture, or reblog either of those. All the people that I follow just post artsy pictures and quotes. Tumblr is seriously so great because no matter what you say on there, no one will ever judge you. You can seriously express your feelings and reblog whatever pictures you like and no one will care. I love it so much!

So anyway, a few days ago, I came across this post that said, "Be nice to people because it's a shitty world and we all need a little help sometimes."

Lately, that quote has been my motto that I keep repeating in my head over and over.

This past weekend I was hanging out with some people. A few of these people are well known jerks. They started making fun of this one girl at school because she's "fat" and "lesbian". It honestly made me so angry because they don't even know her and have probably never said more than a word to her. 

Ever since then (along with another reason involving one of my best friends), I have been trying my hardest to talk to everyone and always be kind to everyone. You have absolutely no clue what those people are going through. You have no clue when they are going to break because of people making rude remarks about them. Sometimes, it's the tiniest things that count, the tiniest things can save people's lives. A simple, "Hey dude!" in the halls along with a smile, is all it takes to brighten someone's day. That smile is contagious, and it might be the only time that person smiles that day, even if it was forced. 

Everyone is fighting a battle that you know NOTHING about, whether it's self hatred, family problems, bullying, or small things like drama with friends. And that one snarky remark you make could push them over the edge.

So seriously, be nice to everyone, no matter who they are. Go out of your way to make someone smile, and talk to that kid that never has anyone to talk to.

Be the person that people want to be around. The one that cares more about their character than their reputation.

It's worth it, I promise.

Photo from Tumblr

Photo from Tumblr

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Live in the Now

So for the past week or so things have just not been going my way. At all. It's been pretty shitty to be honest. Boy probs that are honestly so extremely dumb and looking back on it, I actually am kinda laughing. Well... it still hurts actually but I'm not going to live thinking about and what else could have happened.

On top of that, I haven't been doing my best at soccer. At practices shots on goal have been weak and off frame, and I just feel like I've just been sucking and haven't been on top of it lately.

Then there's school. Because of all this other crap, I've been so stressed out and I haven't been trying that hard in school lately. I honestly have not been able to focus in class and I've basically been half-assing all my homework and tests.

But now things are finally starting to turn around for me. I finally decided that I am just going to focus on school and soccer. No boys. No matter how cute. Just let it all go. Then today I had a soccer game and I scored a goal (I play defense, so when I played forward and scored a goal I felt on top of the world because I don't score often)! I definitely didn't have a perfect game, but scoring helped to bring some of my confidence back up. Now all I need to work on is school. Luckily I haven't had too much homework this week, so I have been able to find some stable ground again, which is a perfect place to get back on track. Things have to get worse before they can get better, right?

Thinking about this all, somehow, I came to the conclusion that there are three ways to live. And here they are:

The past: Dwelling in the past. Basically I hate thinking about the past. SO much crap has happened in the past (which probably goes for anybody), and yeah that sucks, but you've got to stop thinking about it. You can't keep thinking about all the things you should have done and should have said and that there's nothing you can do now. Turn this into a positive: There's nothing you can do now, which means you've got to make the best of what has already happened. Use that experience to the best of your ability.

The future: My least favorite. The future. Pretty sketchy if you ask me. Of course there are certain things that you HAVE to (basically forced to) think about for the future, like planning for college and getting a job. But you can't always live based on what might happen in the future. You can't always be thinking, "OMG but what if he says he doesn't like me back?" or silly stuff like that. Which leads me to the last way to live...

The present: Don't dwell on the past and don't stress about the future. Live in the now (a line I got from Jessica;) and be carefree (you know, without being dumb about it). Just go with the flow. Try your hardest in everything you do and give it your all, if it doesn't go your way then all well. Work towards a current goal you have. JUST SEE WHERE LIFE TAKES YOU!!!! Don't worry about it, okay? Because I promise that it might seem hard now, but whatever you are going through or whatever is happening, just remember that in a year it either won't matter or will be a lot better. I promise you that.

So don't worry about what did happen or what might happen. Live in the now.

(I found these pics after I wrote my post, so no I didn't get ideas from them, they just fit the post:)

photo from Tumblr

Photo from Tumblr

Much love! peace out

Friday, April 11, 2014

Born to Die

First off... IT'S SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSS!!!!! I have been so stressed all week so I honestly am so happy to just take a week off and relax. The weather has been great, and ugh I just can't wait!

So anyway.... lately, I have been thinking a lot about life. Just life in general. I guess I do that a lot anyway, but especially lately. One of the things I have been thinking about most is:

We are born to die.

Everybody on this earth was born, and everybody on this earth will die. There's no way around it, which is both absolutely extraordinary and terrifying at the same time. Everybody is made the same way, but everybody dies a different way and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. That leads to the pattern of life...

It is honestly one of the most amazing feelings being there so shortly after a baby is brought into the world. That baby just began living their life. They have no clue what anything even is; they don't know how to talk or how to comprehend words, they can't walk, they know nothing. The fact that they will learn so much in such a short amount of time is crazy. When they are young, all they are doing is learning. They learn not only academics, but life skills.

Then they turn into teenagers. They become rebellious, just trying to have fun. They are trying to find out who they are and who they want to be, and they have to go through high school. They live the oh-so enjoyable life as a teenager.

In just a few short years they will be all on their own. Living on their own and surviving. They will have a job, and eventually get married. They will have kids who will repeat all the same things they did. Then they will get old and die. That's just a fact.

And from there, the cycle will continue for what seems like forever.


On another note (well I guess it's still the same topic but whatevs..), here is a picture of my sister's new born baby :) His name is Theodore Ian Dalby (they liked old fashioned names...). They'll probably call him Theo or Ted or Teddy for short. He was born at 6:10pm on April 10, 2014 weighing 7lbs 1oz.
Photo creds to my sisstaaa (Desiree Dalby)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

90's Fashion Comebacks

Hey y'all! Guys I am SO excited for this post (I'm writing it on a Saturday Night btw...)! A while ago, I noticed that a few of the fashion trends from the 90's are coming back (which I am proud of for being so observant;). It might be a slightly long list, but I will try to keep it short (it will really only be long because the pictures take up so much room)! And by the way, yes I am posting very early this week so idk if I will post again later this week! So before I get too carried away, here are the top recent trends that have made a comeback from the 90's:


High Waisted Pants/Shorts

I started wearing high waisted jeans since they started selling them at Pacsun (because that's mainly where I shop) a while ago, mostly just because I think they are so much more comfortable. Then, about a week ago, I was looking through a ton of my old baby pictures, and I noticed how basically all the pants that my sister and my mom were wearing in them were high waisted! High waisted pants have definitely made a huge comeback, probably one of the biggest ones.

High waisted shorts, photo from Etsy


Over the past few months I have seen a few girls at school wearing overalls. This is a trend that I never would have guessed would come back. I told my mom about this, and she agrees! She told me about how when I was a baby she wore overalls ALL the time, but then they went out of style. I first noticed that overalls were coming back in style when they started selling them at Pacsun not too long ago. But now for the most part this new overall trend has turned them into shorts, like in the picture below.

Short overalls, photo from here!


(Not pants, I just don't have a category to put this in!) This next trend is what people call "grunge". Although, some people say that grunge is not necessarily a fashion statement, but more of a "vibe". This vibe could be described as badass, "dirty", or just giving off the vibe of not caring. To me, this style is very teenager-ish and I am totally in love with it! There is also "soft-grunge", which I guess is a less prominent form of grunge. It was popular in not only the 90's but the 80's as well.

I found both photos on Pinterest.



Plaid is probably one of my favorite things to wear. About a month ago everyone at school wore plaid. It was just one of those things that you had to have! Plaid was also super popular in the 90's and a little bit in the 80's. I personally love wearing plaid because it doesn't necessarily have to match what you are wearing, and it goes with most things despite the fact that it has a distinct pattern.

Photo from Pinterest

Crop Tops

Crop tops have been back for a while now, and based on how much fashion trends come and go, I'm sure they will be gone again soon. Crop tops (in my opinion) are the perfect summer top because when it's hot outside, you don't have to wear a full shirt, but it won't be too short either. You can also wear them with any bottoms and it would still look cute. 

This photo totally captures not only how cute crop tops can be, but also
high waisted shorts, along with a little bit of the grunge look in the shorts (on the left)
Photo from Tumblr


Oh. My. Gosh. I LOVE denim tops! Seriously! They just go with pretty much any top, and if you match it right you can even wear them with jeans. At first this trend was just a long sleeve type of top, then it went to the jean vests, but now it looks like it's turning into the full on denim jacket. I love all these looks so so much!

Denim Top
Photo from Pinterest

Denim vest
Photo from here
Denim Jacket
Photo from here


Doc Martens

Doc Martens have most definitely made a comeback from the 90's! I remember on the 4th of July my friend Savana telling me how the girls at her school started wearing them, so I guess it just took a while for them to travel from California to Park City! Doc Martens are basically combat boots, just bigger and more clunky looking. They can be really cute if you wear them right, but sometimes they just look like too much in my opinion.

Doc Marten boots
Photo from here

White Shoes

White shoes have become really popular, specifically white Chuck Taylors! Oh my... nearly every girl in school has a pair of white Chuck Taylors, and if you don't them kudos to you. I remember when I got mine earlier in the school year, the guy at the store said, "I think every girl in Park City has bought a pair of these." And boy was he right. I just absolutely love my white Chucks because they look good with literally every single outfit!

White Converse/Chuck Taylors
Photo from Bows and Brushes

So there you have it, kids! A few of the top trends that have come back from the 90's! I hope you enjoyed :)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Few More Facts

Ayyyy! So this week I have been SO stressed out it's insane. I've had a ton of homework, Monday I had soccer practice, Tuesday a game, Wednesday I had community service and I went to a Jazz Game in Salt Lake with my friends until midnight (literally), and today I have practice again. Then on Saturday I have a game, and Sunday I have to do community service.

I don't know what you guys are thinking, but with all that on top of the mountain of homework I get... this week has been hectic.

With all this craziness, I haven't had much time to think about what I wanted to write about this week, but I think I found my topic.

Things that a lot of people don't know about me (obviously I'm not going to include a ton of really personal stuff that no one knows about, don't worry (but sorry if it gets deep))... so here we go:

Things about me that not a lot of people know:
1. I am a little too obsessed with the night sky. Like seriously... I get so caught up thinking about all of life's mysteries and complications when I look into the night sky, but I think a lot of people do that.. Also, it's totally crazy to think about the concept of outer space and how it goes on for infinity. I can't really explain what I think about, but whatever you probably don't care anyway. :)

If Saturn were as close to Earth as the moon is, this is how it would look!
Photo from Tumblr

2. I'm sensitive. I may not show it, but there are certain things that people say subconsciously that hit home pretty hard. Whenever this happens I just kinda shut off for a minute or two and stop talking. It's not like I go off crying, but like I said... certain things that people may not mean to be painful just are.

3. I think I love my friends more than life. Whenever I think about the memories we have made and the nights we have stayed up until 4am either laughing our heads off or having deep conversations, it just makes me happy. It's like I'm watching some movie that I wish I could be in (but you know, technically I already was in it...). It's something that I strive for, having fun with my friends and not caring what people think. I love walking into their houses like it's my own and having multiple second families!

4. I'm an adventure seeker. It sounds weird when I say it like that, but I love going on adventures. I love not knowing what we are going to do next and I love just doing things spontaneously. I love adrenaline rushes that come when my friends and I do something super fun. Maybe that's all just part of this whole teenage experience. Either way, I'm in love these few years of my life and the adventure that comes with them.

5. I actually really suck at dancing yet I still love it. But it's okay because when I go over to Jaki and Jessica's house, we have dance parties and we do "awkward dancing". It's simple: make small and awkward dance moves that are funny. But sometimes we actually dance a little so that's embarrassing for me.

6. I love my guy friends. Like seriously, over the past few weeks I have gotten a lot closer with a few of them. Sometimes they can be real jerks, but other times they seem to be some of the best friends I have ever had. I just love them because they don't call each other bitches to draw attention to themselves.

7. I absolutely HATE it when people bash on Park City. It honestly makes me so angry. Park City is a beautiful place to live and I hate it when people say that they hate Park City. Like no. Stop. If you really don't like the people here, then LEAVE. Hating on Park City has become some sort of completely ridiculous band wagon, and that's seriously so dumb. Park City has a few different reputations that piss me off:
a. Rich people - yeah, PC is a tourist town so of course there is going to be some rich people. But that does not by any means mean that everyone here is rich and doesn't have to worry about spending money.
b. Druggies - I have never heard of a single city that is drug free.
c. Sluts - people like this are everywhere. Not just PC, and that's a reality.

8. There's only one person who knows most of my deepest darkest secrets. I've known her since kindergarden, but back then we hated each other. I was the shy kid who didn't talk, and she was the loud and obnoxious one. We didn't really become friends until first grade (I think), but since then I know that I could trust her with my life. She's the only person I will ever take to the bridge to sit and watch the water and sing Bruno Mars. I could write a book about all the memories together and how much I love and miss her, and I really hope she reads this because my eyes are tearing up as I write this during 4th period which is kinda embarrassing.

So there you have it. A few facts about myself.

Monday, March 17, 2014

10 Beauty Tips & Tricks

Hey y'all! So on my poll people have said that they want me to post more makeup/hair stuff. I didn't really know what else to post other than beauty tips and tricks, so that's what I'm doing. But also... I've been thinking about blog topics. With all the blogs, there are a few people that do crafts, a few that do beauty, a few that post about their personal lives, and a few that are "inspirational". I'm going to dry and do a mix between inspirational (probably more like deep topics, like my fears post) and beauty. So yeah, I don't know. We'll see. So without further typing, here is my list of 10 beauty tips and tricks!

1.  Hot hot hot!
For a better lash curl, heat up your curler! Use your blow dryer on it for a bout 10-20 seconds, but make sure it doesn't get too hot. Wait about 30 seconds, then curl your lashes and apply makeup as usual!
Photo courtesy: The Beauty Department

2. Scrub a dub dub
If you don't have the money to buy lip scrubs, or the time to make one, I got your back (but if you want a super good DIY scrub, go to my friend Cali's blog!). To get your lips baby soft and smooth, get a warm washcloth at night time and rub it on your lips. This will get all the dry and flaky stuff off. Then, put on a moisturizing lip balm and get your beauty sleep!

3. Some home made tint 
If you are one of the girls who uses tinted moisturizer, but you are running low, you can make your own! Mix a little bit of foundation with your daily moisturizer and there you have it! Tinted moisturizer!

4. Out of shampoo?
You can use baking soda as an all natural shampoo! Personally, I wouldn't do this on a regular basis but if you find yourself in the shower and out of shampoo (or camping or whatever), just run to the pantry and whip out that baking soda. But make sure it's baking SODA, not baking POWDER. That could be bad.

5. Pearly whites
If you want to whiten your teeth without the harsh stuff in the whitening strips, you can mix lemon juice and baking soda for a home-made concoction!

6. My worst enemy... static electricity
I don't know about you guys, but if you have hair like mine then you will constantly find yourself getting your hands when do water down your hair. STATIC. When my hair gets all staticky, it drives me completely insane. I have always just gotten my hands when then run my fingers through my hair, but that only solves the problem for a minute or two. Then, when I got my hair cut the lady told of a trick she knows of: get non-static spray that you would spray on your clothes (not the kind that is meant for your hair, that will make your hair oily) and spray it on your hairbrush when you brush your hair. I haven't tried it yet, but she said it works like magic!

7. Pop one thing at a time... like popcorn
My friend Cali mentioned this to me before, and doing research for tips and tricks I found it and I decided to put it in this post! Play up your lips and your eyes, but never both at the same time... you will look like a clown. If you have smokey eyes or a lot of bronzer/blush, go for nude colored lips. If you have a bold lips, use a natural look for your face and eyes.

these people have bright lips but natural eyes
this girl has bold eyes, but natural lips!
8. Prevent wrinkles and sun damage with ease
Sunscreen. We all hate putting it on, but I know when I am old I will thank myself for it! Sunscreen will help you do not get as many wrinkles when you are older, as well as prevent sun damage/sun spots. You should always wear sunscreen, even when it is cold or rainy outside. A lot of people think that if you put sunscreen on, it will make it so that you can't get a tan... not true! You can still get a good tan, while making sure that your skin stays healthy. Good habits start young, my friends!

You can't tell where the sun damage is,
but with special light this is what sun damage looks
like if you don't wear sunscreen.
9. Play to your strengths
This one should be a given but... play to your strengths! If people tell you that you have good lips, wear a lipgloss or lipstick that will make your lips pop! If you are told that you have really pretty eyes, wear some eyeshadow that will help to make them stand out! Also, know what color shirts look best on you for when you go shopping.

10. Vas, my bestie!
 Vaseline. My best friend for months now. I mainly use vaseline for my lips (it makes them so moisturized, but it also actually makes them look good if you apply the right amount!), but after doing some research you can put vaseline on your hands and feet when you go to bed, and you will wake up with mad-soft skin.
I didn't even know this type of vaseline existed, I always just
used the regular kind but this looks way better!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


So today in geography the 10th grade counselors came to talk to us about registration. During that presentation, at least half of it was talking about the ACT, SAT, and countless more tests that will help you get into college. The lady asked a ton of kids where they want to go to college, if they want to go to a four year college, what they want to major in, etc. All the kids she asked had answers.

Then there was me.

I have no clue what I want to do yet, and I'm completely and utterly terrified of that. I'm scared of growing up, and scared of what comes after high school when I am on my own.

 All these "what if" questions constantly run through my brain, and I'm scared of them. It sounds so dumb, and cliche, but it's true... I'm scared to grow up.

During geography when I started thinking about this, I somehow got the idea to write my blog post of things that scare me... so here you go, things that I am afraid of:

(btw... sorry I only have quotes for pictures I don't know what other pictures I would post...)

1. Growing up (that's an obvious one if you read the first part of this post).... Again, this sounds incredibly cliche, but I want to be a teenager forever. I don't want to have to deal with paying bills and worrying about taking care of my future family. I want to be able to go to school and talk to all my friends and the only worries I will have is about silly drama and my grades. I want to have fun with all my friends on the weekend and not have a curfew. But I think that the part about growing up that scares me the most is that I can't stop it. I can't control what's going to happen to me and there's no way around it.

2. Losing people I love... when I think about losing someone that I love, I don't exclude that to just family. I include all my friends and basically everyone that I talk to on a regular basis. I know first hand what it's like to lose someone, and I know of at least 3 people my age who do too, and it sucks. It's terrifying knowing that one minute you can be talking and laughing with someone, and literally the next minute you would never be able to talk to them again. Never.

3. Graduation...  I'm never going to see half the kids that I have seen every day of life for more than 4 years again. And I'm probably not going to talk to most of them again either. I don't want to forget about everyone who helped me to find my way throughout high school and I don't want them to forget about me.

3. Death....  I am afraid of death, and also afraid of dying young. Not getting to live my life. I am religious, but just like any normal person I wonder about things. What if there is no God? What if when you die, you don't go to heaven or hell, you just simply die. A black pit of nothing for eternity.

4. The dark/paranormal stuff.... Not gonna lie. I still sleep with a night light. This is such a childish fear, but honestly the dark scares me so much. There could be anything hiding in the dark corner of your closet and you would never know. Kinda like how there could be a ghost standing right behind you right now, but you would have no clue.

5. I have no purpose... What if I wasn't put here on this Earth for any good reason? Maybe I'm really am just part of the big bang aftermath with no God that put me here. I grow up, get old, and die. What if there's nothing else to it? I'm not here on some special mission, and I will never find out the meaning of life.

So there you have it. Just a few things that I'm afraid of. Sorry if that was too deep for ya.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Let It Be

A while ago, a friend told me to listen to the song Follow Your Arrow by Kacey Musgraves. I immediately fell in love with it. This song is all about doing whatever the hell you want and being who you are! 

Then, a few weeks ago my good friends Sariah & Jaki wrote somehwhat similar posts, and since then those posts have been some of my favorites ever, so I will be kinda piggybacking on their posts because I loved them so much.

It's completely okay to not be okay.

Everyone's been there, and everyone has felt like crap at certain points in their life. It's okay to be scared to try new things, and it's okay to fearless. It's okay to have crazy hair days, and it's okay to get up a little earlier just to do your hair everyday. It's okay to wear a sweatshirt more than one day a week, and it's okay to get overdressed more than once a week. It's okay to listen to the same song over and over again, and it's okay to not like certain music. It's okay to dream about the impossible, and it's okay to be skeptical about certain things. It's okay to fall head over heels in love, and it's okay to not like anyone at all. It's okay to stay up until 4am, and it's okay to go to bed whenever you want. It's okay to be a flirt and it's okay to not be one. It's okay to miss someone, and it's okay not miss anyone. It's okay to have a broken family, and it's okay to have a picture perfect one.

It's okay.


Everyone is different, and we all need to cherish that our individuality, even if somedays we cry ourself to sleep because of it. Ever since we were little kids, all we have ever been told is to always be ourselves. But then when we are ourselves, people don't like it. So what if you like being crazy and loud and weird? BE CRAZY AND LOUD AND WEIRD!!! Don't give a shit about what anybody thinks, because that is who you are and you should have fun living your life, especially your teenage years. Don't stop being you and doing what you want just because other people might think it's a weird thing to do. In fact, a lot of people admire those who aren't afraid to be themselves.

You should be out there living your life and doing what you feel like when you feel like it without having to have the voice of society in the back of your mind telling you not to because it's weird.

Ten years from now, you won't want to look back on your teenage years and say, "I wish I had done that." You are going to want to look back and be able to say, "Hell yeah I did that crazy shit."

Just let it be, and go with the flow. In the end you'll be glad you did.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Walmart... Haul???

Hey guys! So lately I've been totally obsessed with watching YouTube videos, and I have seen a ton of "haul" videos. If you don't know what this means, a haul video is when someone goes shopping and they show everyone what they got and give reviews! These videos are mostly for cute shops and expensive clothes, but ummm... mine is going to be kinda different....

I went to Walmart.

I didn't like get a ton of clothes and things like that, I just got a lot of beauty stuff!

So here is the stuff I got!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Holy Crap


I seriously just can't help it.

I changed my background again.

I mean, I know none of you probably even care, but I'm terribly sorry (however I can't promise that it won't happen again).

I changed it to my one of my very first backgrounds, I just feel like this is more teen-y than my other one. Gosh guys, help me not to change it anymore.

Also, I'm on break, soooo I may or may not post this week, depending on how bored I get.

P.S. I know that the girl in it is smoking.. No that does not mean I smoke and no that does not mean I want to smoke and no that does not mean I promote smoking and yes I just liked this collage.

Man I'm in a weird mood tonight.

Well, peace out.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

How to Deal With Stress!!!

Before I start, guys please vote on my poll! I just want to know what type of posts people like more so that I know what to post!
Also, this is my second post this week.... I don't know what's up with that but YOLO.

In Park City, we have a break from school that everyone calls Ski Week. And trust me, that's going to be crazy fun! But of course, teachers have to assign a month's time of work 5 days before we go on break. I don't know about you guys, but I have to write an English essay, an essay for Foods & Nutrition, make up a Geography test, study for an English test, and on top of all that I have the weekly regular homework that I already stress about.

We are about to hit midterms for 3rd quarter, so of course I have to have bad grades. I swear, it's like the teachers wait until after midterms to enter grades in Powerschool. It's like they want my parents to get upset.

Ugh, and here's the worst part: When your body and mind are stressed out, your skin decides to be annoying and you break out, which clearly nobody wants.

 I honestly just don't know how to deal with it all. I am SO stressed! And I imagine that you are pretty stressed too, and if you aren't stressed enough now then this post will hopefully help you in the future.

So here is a few things that I do to help myself relax and reduce the stress!!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

High School's Biggest Flaw

One of the biggest struggles about being in high school and being a teenager is that people are always going to judge you. People judge you on anything and everything you do: what you wear, what you look like, how you act. And unfortunately because of how many times people get judged, stereotypes are created, and it's really difficult to break those stereotypes.

Because of stereotypes, social statuses are made. The sad truth about social statuses is that no matter how hard you try to break them, they will never be broken. Never. And that's just a fact.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Into the Wild

Earlier this week, I went home from school because I wasn't feeling well. When I got home, I was of course not in the mood to do homework, so I went on Netflix to see what my movie options were. I came across a movie called Into the Wild (which I remember my mom talking about because it was my brother's favorite movie). So I thought, "Hey, why not watch it?".

Watching that movie was one of the best choices I have ever made.
No joke.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Change is Inevitable

So I just changed my wallpaper and the font and pretty much the whole design of my blog. I don't really know why I chose a floral wallpaper, but I did so I guess we'll see how that turns out... I feel like the background color of the post makes it a lot easier on the eyes to have it a cream color rather than plain white. And now my background is different than everyone else's (I keep trying to keep it different, that's why I always change it). So yeah!

Vote on my poll to tell me if I should change it....

Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Super Snazzy DIY


So a few weeks ago you all voted on my poll and said that you wanted a DIY for your bedroom. I have good news and bad news... the good news is that (after tons of research) I finally found a good DIY that I think is cool! The bad news is that I just haven't had enough time to actually make it, so I have to borrow it from other websites and what not. But anyway, here we go!

DIY: CD Wall Hanging thingy....
The first DIY that I came across is something that I definitely want to try and see how it turns out! It is a wall hanging art decoration thing that I think looks really cool. This decoration would add flare to any boring wall/room, and although it might take a little while to make, I think it would definitely be worth it!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Worst Kind of Crazy

For my previous poll, I asked what you wanted me to post next, and you guys all said a DIY for your room. So while I am thinking about something you would all enjoy.... consider the following: I am fully aware that this post may not apply to all people.

Dictionary Definition:
boy |boi|
a male child or young man

My Definition:
boy |boi|
a creature that makes you mind go crazy and run in a variety of directions, leaving you speechless and unable to understand life.

Part of the unfortunate truth about being a teenager is that you are going to fall head over heals for someone, and they aren't going to feel the same way. 

And that is going to suck very badly. Why? Because you are crazy. The worst kind of crazy there is: boy crazy.