
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Worst Kind of Crazy

For my previous poll, I asked what you wanted me to post next, and you guys all said a DIY for your room. So while I am thinking about something you would all enjoy.... consider the following: I am fully aware that this post may not apply to all people.

Dictionary Definition:
boy |boi|
a male child or young man

My Definition:
boy |boi|
a creature that makes you mind go crazy and run in a variety of directions, leaving you speechless and unable to understand life.

Part of the unfortunate truth about being a teenager is that you are going to fall head over heals for someone, and they aren't going to feel the same way. 

And that is going to suck very badly. Why? Because you are crazy. The worst kind of crazy there is: boy crazy.

And while that is sucking for you, you are also going to have to balance out trying to get good grades, having a social life, and any extracurricular activities you do. And you know what? That's also going to suck (and quite honestly, I don't think that our parents, or any adults for that matter, give us enough credit for trying so hard. Yeah, I get that being an adult is going to bring on a thousand more responsibilities and that, too, is going to suck. But I mean come on... we are only teenagers and we shouldn't have to live our lives being told that we need to try harder, because most of us are trying as hard as we can). 

So while you are dealing with your mountain of school work and your social life. There's going to be (I'm assuming the majority of people reading my blog (girls) dig boys) a boy that you fall for. And for most of us, that is going to really suck because most of the time we either: a) do not have a chance with that boy... b) you do have a chance with that boy but he doesn't like you or back... c) he did like you, he lead you on, he ignored you, he acted like nothing ever happened, then he acts interested in you again. 

Incase you weren't feeling alone/sad enough, here's a picture
from my favorite TV show, The Carrie Diaries, that is too
cute to handle. :(
I don't know about you, but as for me... I am currently in situation "c". Being in that situation really sucks because part of me is telling saying that he is a jerk and that I can do better and I should find another guy, but a different part of me keeps dragging me back to him, for an unknown reason. I really wish that second part of me was non-existant. 

At this point in my post, you may be looking for advice for yourself about how to deal with these things we call boys. But let me tell you, we're in the same boat here. I need just as much, if not more, advice as you do. So sorry about that, but I can't really help you here. I just wanted you all to know that even though it may seem like no one else understands you at the moment, there are plenty of people out there who do. 

But here's a list of things you can do that might help:
There is nothing you can do about the way you feel your teenage-ish, hormonal feelings.

Thanks Obama. 

"If you're still up at 4 a.m., you are either in love or lonely, and I don't know which one is worse."