
Thursday, December 19, 2013

DIY 2014 Memory Jar

Hey guys! So I've been wanting to do a DIY for SO long, but then I kept finding myself writing about other things. But now that 2013 is coming to a close, I figured it would be the perfect time for my most favorite DIY ever: a memory jar.
I got this idea on Pinterest a while ago, and I have been wanting to do it ever since! I love this DIY because anyone can do it, no matter how skilled you are with crafts and what not. Plus, you barely need any materials, and it takes a max of 5 minutes to complete!
I guess I should explain what a memory jar is... throughout the year there's definitely going to be lots of memories that you won't want to forget. So why not write them all down?! For anything that you feel is "worthy" of writing down, you can put it into the jar. Then on New Years Eve, you can open up the jar and read through all the things that you wrote down.
Another reason that I love this is because they don't necessarily have to be memories (even though it is called a memory jar...). You can write down any accomplishments of the year that you are proud of, or people you met, really anything that will make you smile when you read through them all!

Let's do this thing:

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Soccer + The Beach = Perfect

So before I do a DIY or something fun like that, I really wanted to write about a trip that I took last weekend. I went to San Diego, California! It was absolutely perfect to escape the cold weather we have been having in Park City. The only down side, other than the fact that it rained a few times, was that when we came back home, the temperatures practically doubled in coldness (this morning when I woke up it was -18 degrees...).

Oh, and there's also going to be a TON of pictures in this post, all of which were taken by me. But don't worry, they're worth it. #sorrynotsorry

Friday, November 15, 2013

A Man's TRUE Best Friend

It's a Friday night, and I'm stuck on my couch writing on my blog because I have procrastinated all week long, and I need to get this post done by tonight! So, I'm sitting here, watching Wife Swap, looking at blogs for inspiration, and cuddling with my dog thinking that I should really be hanging out with friends to start off my weekend rather than doing my homework. I mean after all, I am a teenager, right?

Friday, November 8, 2013

Changing Things Up

After looking at an endless amount of blogs, I really want to expand my options for writing posts. I don't want people who read it to get bored, so I want to expand my options! I'm going to try and do a few DIYs, make it more of a "tumblr girl" blog, if you will. Something that pretty much all teenage girls can relate to, no matter who they are. My friends will probably make fun of me, but whatever, right? I've always wanted to do a blog like this, so I might as well take this opportunity while I can!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Picture's Worth 1,000 Memories

Okay, before I start talking, I need to vent a tiny bit. You may or may not know this, but I'm doing this blog for my English class. One of the things we needed to include in it this week was a blog roll. I know it really shouldn't affect me, and I'm not sure why it does, but none of my friends listed my blog on their blog roll. It's all the same exact people, over and over again on each other their blogs. I mean, I know my blog is definitely not the best out there, but they all used the exact same people. I don't know, it's just got me kind of down. :(

But anyyywayyyy....

Over the years, I have always loved taking pictures as well as looking at them.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

La la la!

Before I start talking about my new topic, yes I did change pretty much the whole look of my blog. I thought that even though I liked the background picture on my other theme, it looked kind of depressing. So I made a collage of a few "tumblr" pictures and set it as the background. But an even bigger change than that was the theme of my blog. Instead of things that make me smile, I decided to focus more on "teenage drama". So, if I changed the theme I would have to change the title. I changed the title from  "My Life in Words & Pictures" to "The Ordinary Teen". However, you can expect that to change sometime in the near future (again!) because it's not my favorite title ever. So, sorry for all the changes and confusion it might have caused you!

This week I thought I would talk about music. Music, music, music. It's pretty much everywhere you go!

Friday, October 4, 2013

My Personal High

After a ton of thinking, I have finally found what I am going to write about. I got my final theme from one of my classmates, Emily. Emily's blog is called PsychoSmile. My blog will simply be about what makes my soul happy. Things that make me smile. This means that there are a lot of things that make me happy, so I will be writing about a whole variety of things that will all tie together in the end.

Friday, September 20, 2013

I'm Still Figuring This Out...

I have never successfully created a blog, so this will be my fist real opportunity to try it out. At first I thought about making my blog about soccer, but I didn't think I would have very many options of things to write about. So instead, I wanted to make an inspirational type of blog. I'm still not entirely 100% sure about exactly what I am going to write about, but I have a few ideas in mind.
I won't exactly be writing about my life, even though that's in my title. It will be more about crazy ideas that go through my head, that are maybe worth sharing with people. So maybe it won't exactly be inspirational. I honestly still don't exactly know what I'm going to do. It will be interesting.
The pondering of my brain, walking into things I can't get out of... if that even makes any sense.