
Monday, April 28, 2014

Kindness is Key

Over the past few months, I found a new obsession: Tumblr.

Tumblr is honestly my favorite thing ever! For those of you who don't know what it is, it's basically just a website where people share their thoughts/feelings and artsy pictures. You can either create a text post, upload a picture, or reblog either of those. All the people that I follow just post artsy pictures and quotes. Tumblr is seriously so great because no matter what you say on there, no one will ever judge you. You can seriously express your feelings and reblog whatever pictures you like and no one will care. I love it so much!

So anyway, a few days ago, I came across this post that said, "Be nice to people because it's a shitty world and we all need a little help sometimes."

Lately, that quote has been my motto that I keep repeating in my head over and over.

This past weekend I was hanging out with some people. A few of these people are well known jerks. They started making fun of this one girl at school because she's "fat" and "lesbian". It honestly made me so angry because they don't even know her and have probably never said more than a word to her. 

Ever since then (along with another reason involving one of my best friends), I have been trying my hardest to talk to everyone and always be kind to everyone. You have absolutely no clue what those people are going through. You have no clue when they are going to break because of people making rude remarks about them. Sometimes, it's the tiniest things that count, the tiniest things can save people's lives. A simple, "Hey dude!" in the halls along with a smile, is all it takes to brighten someone's day. That smile is contagious, and it might be the only time that person smiles that day, even if it was forced. 

Everyone is fighting a battle that you know NOTHING about, whether it's self hatred, family problems, bullying, or small things like drama with friends. And that one snarky remark you make could push them over the edge.

So seriously, be nice to everyone, no matter who they are. Go out of your way to make someone smile, and talk to that kid that never has anyone to talk to.

Be the person that people want to be around. The one that cares more about their character than their reputation.

It's worth it, I promise.

Photo from Tumblr

Photo from Tumblr

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Live in the Now

So for the past week or so things have just not been going my way. At all. It's been pretty shitty to be honest. Boy probs that are honestly so extremely dumb and looking back on it, I actually am kinda laughing. Well... it still hurts actually but I'm not going to live thinking about and what else could have happened.

On top of that, I haven't been doing my best at soccer. At practices shots on goal have been weak and off frame, and I just feel like I've just been sucking and haven't been on top of it lately.

Then there's school. Because of all this other crap, I've been so stressed out and I haven't been trying that hard in school lately. I honestly have not been able to focus in class and I've basically been half-assing all my homework and tests.

But now things are finally starting to turn around for me. I finally decided that I am just going to focus on school and soccer. No boys. No matter how cute. Just let it all go. Then today I had a soccer game and I scored a goal (I play defense, so when I played forward and scored a goal I felt on top of the world because I don't score often)! I definitely didn't have a perfect game, but scoring helped to bring some of my confidence back up. Now all I need to work on is school. Luckily I haven't had too much homework this week, so I have been able to find some stable ground again, which is a perfect place to get back on track. Things have to get worse before they can get better, right?

Thinking about this all, somehow, I came to the conclusion that there are three ways to live. And here they are:

The past: Dwelling in the past. Basically I hate thinking about the past. SO much crap has happened in the past (which probably goes for anybody), and yeah that sucks, but you've got to stop thinking about it. You can't keep thinking about all the things you should have done and should have said and that there's nothing you can do now. Turn this into a positive: There's nothing you can do now, which means you've got to make the best of what has already happened. Use that experience to the best of your ability.

The future: My least favorite. The future. Pretty sketchy if you ask me. Of course there are certain things that you HAVE to (basically forced to) think about for the future, like planning for college and getting a job. But you can't always live based on what might happen in the future. You can't always be thinking, "OMG but what if he says he doesn't like me back?" or silly stuff like that. Which leads me to the last way to live...

The present: Don't dwell on the past and don't stress about the future. Live in the now (a line I got from Jessica;) and be carefree (you know, without being dumb about it). Just go with the flow. Try your hardest in everything you do and give it your all, if it doesn't go your way then all well. Work towards a current goal you have. JUST SEE WHERE LIFE TAKES YOU!!!! Don't worry about it, okay? Because I promise that it might seem hard now, but whatever you are going through or whatever is happening, just remember that in a year it either won't matter or will be a lot better. I promise you that.

So don't worry about what did happen or what might happen. Live in the now.

(I found these pics after I wrote my post, so no I didn't get ideas from them, they just fit the post:)

photo from Tumblr

Photo from Tumblr

Much love! peace out

Friday, April 11, 2014

Born to Die

First off... IT'S SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSS!!!!! I have been so stressed all week so I honestly am so happy to just take a week off and relax. The weather has been great, and ugh I just can't wait!

So anyway.... lately, I have been thinking a lot about life. Just life in general. I guess I do that a lot anyway, but especially lately. One of the things I have been thinking about most is:

We are born to die.

Everybody on this earth was born, and everybody on this earth will die. There's no way around it, which is both absolutely extraordinary and terrifying at the same time. Everybody is made the same way, but everybody dies a different way and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. That leads to the pattern of life...

It is honestly one of the most amazing feelings being there so shortly after a baby is brought into the world. That baby just began living their life. They have no clue what anything even is; they don't know how to talk or how to comprehend words, they can't walk, they know nothing. The fact that they will learn so much in such a short amount of time is crazy. When they are young, all they are doing is learning. They learn not only academics, but life skills.

Then they turn into teenagers. They become rebellious, just trying to have fun. They are trying to find out who they are and who they want to be, and they have to go through high school. They live the oh-so enjoyable life as a teenager.

In just a few short years they will be all on their own. Living on their own and surviving. They will have a job, and eventually get married. They will have kids who will repeat all the same things they did. Then they will get old and die. That's just a fact.

And from there, the cycle will continue for what seems like forever.


On another note (well I guess it's still the same topic but whatevs..), here is a picture of my sister's new born baby :) His name is Theodore Ian Dalby (they liked old fashioned names...). They'll probably call him Theo or Ted or Teddy for short. He was born at 6:10pm on April 10, 2014 weighing 7lbs 1oz.
Photo creds to my sisstaaa (Desiree Dalby)