
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Living in a First World

Alright boys and girls. This is my last post on this blog (unless someday I decide to come back and keep writing..). So earlier I was on my iPod watching vines and BAM. It dies. So now I'm just sitting there thinking about how since my iPod is dead I have nothing to do while it's charging except write my blog post for this week. Then as soon as I opened up Chrome, my laptop dies. Seriously such a bummer, I know.

So then I got the idea to write about first world problems, kind of a band wagon thing but that's okay because it's fun.

But in all seriousness, first world problems are so dumb. It just shows how selfish and ungrateful we all are. We don't even realize all the things we have that we could easily live without. Pretty sad.

Here's a few first world problems:

-When your electronics run out of battery and you are forced to do something productive
-When your bae doesn't slide into yo DM's anymore
-Getting all comfy in bed, but then you realize that you forgot to turn off the lights
-Eating potato chips and not being able to hear the TV because of the crunching
-Jeans that don't make your butt look good
-Being woken up by the cleaning ladies (totally spacing on what they are actually called?!) at a hotel
-Your favorite show didn't record
-Your favorite show isn't in HD
-Parking far away from the door
-Cold butter on your toast won't spread
-You wore that outfit last week. Can't wear it again!
-Your parents didn't get you a brand new car for your 16th birthday
-GPS made you drive through the ghetto
-Vending machine only takes $1 and $5 bills. All you have is a $20 bill.

Photo from Tumblr

Okay, I just fell asleep for about 5 minutes while writing all that. Like seriously that's how tired I am. So, that's all for now, kids! There's many many many more first world problems, I just can't think of them!

Until next time,
if there is a next time,
Dan Dan-- xoxo

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A List of Things That Make Me Mad

Okay, so at the very top of my page I somehow managed to add a song. You can listen to it if you want while you read but you don't have to! I totally wish I figured out how to do that so I could do it for every blog post.

So this week I don't really know what to write about. I thought about writing about a lot of different stuff, but it wasn't really good writing material. So I decided to make a list about things that make me upset. Pretty original, huh?;)

Here we goooo:

1. When people crack their knuckles or their backs or neck. The sound of it and the visual of little air bubbles popping inside of you is HORRIBLE. Seriously. I'm getting chills and I'm getting all uncomfortable just writing about it. I hate it. Ughhhhhhh.

2. When people chew with their mouth open. Not only is it disgusting but the sound is just horrible and REALLY annoying. Grow up kiddos and learn to chew with your mouth closed! (btw, this is an actual brain disorder called Misophonia (but I think that's more serious than me just getting annoyed, not sure...)).

3. The only car seats that I like are leather. I HATE the soft materials they use for certain cars, but I have no clue why that is. When I touch it, I seriously just cringe. It's nasty.

4. Spoiled, bratty, rich kids. They get everything handed down to them without have to work for any of it. Their parents hand them $50 when they ask if they can just go see a movie, when all they need is $10. They just expect all of this to happen. It makes me angry, because I actually have to work for what I want. Gosh, I could write a whole blog about this (maybe that's what I will write about next week).

5. Hypocrites. Plain and simple: I hate hypocrites. When people are hypicritical, I'm just all like..
Photo from Tumblr
6. When people joke about suicide. It's not funny. At all. And it will never be funny. In fact, it kinda makes me want to punch you in the face with a hammer. When people (specifically boys) are joking around, they usually say "go kill yourself". Yes, they say it in a joking manner, but that is seriously not a topic to joke about. When people say that, it honestly makes me so sad and mad and upset.

7. When people joke about drugs. This one's pretty self explanatory.

8. Hot air. I HATE HOT AIR. You know when it's really hot outside, and you get in the car and turn on the AC but all the comes out is hot air? Yeah, well I hate that. I find it really hard and frustrating to try and breath in hot air. It's like.. impossible for me.

Me: "Hey, wanna hangout tomorrow?"
Person: "Dude yeah for sure!"
Me: *calls person*
Person: *doesn't answer*
Me: *texts person* Hey, call me back so that we can hangout.
Person: *is hanging out with other people when they already made plans with me, never texts me back but post on every social media in the world of them with those people*

I get that you are friends with other people, I am too. I get that I'm not always going to be invited everywhere. But when you say something, you should stick to what you say. I'm just a person and I have feelings too.

10. At soccer, when people don't try. Everyone's got their bad days, but not every single practice. It's simple: if you don't want to play and you don't want to be here then leave. Sucks to suck.

11. People who talk just to hear themselves talk. You don't always have to be the center of attention. I'm the type of person who says something when I have something to say. I don't just babble about nothing and try and look cute or whatever. If you aren't talking 24/7, it doesn't mean you're sad or anything, it simply means that YOU ARE NOT IN THE MOOD TO TALK. Grr.

I can't really think of any more things that make me mad like those things do, so there you have it!

Deuces, mi amigos. xoxo