
Friday, November 15, 2013

A Man's TRUE Best Friend

It's a Friday night, and I'm stuck on my couch writing on my blog because I have procrastinated all week long, and I need to get this post done by tonight! So, I'm sitting here, watching Wife Swap, looking at blogs for inspiration, and cuddling with my dog thinking that I should really be hanging out with friends to start off my weekend rather than doing my homework. I mean after all, I am a teenager, right?

Friday, November 8, 2013

Changing Things Up

After looking at an endless amount of blogs, I really want to expand my options for writing posts. I don't want people who read it to get bored, so I want to expand my options! I'm going to try and do a few DIYs, make it more of a "tumblr girl" blog, if you will. Something that pretty much all teenage girls can relate to, no matter who they are. My friends will probably make fun of me, but whatever, right? I've always wanted to do a blog like this, so I might as well take this opportunity while I can!